DeafHope’s Deaf Power and Control Wheel

Social and cultural context play a large part in the ways that domestic violence (DV) and intimate partner violence (IPV) manifest themselves. The d/Deaf community has a unique set of social and cultural norms that impact domestic and intimate partner violence, exacerbated by the lack of accessibility of many DV/IPV services as well as the lack of culturally-competent services.

The experts at DeafHope have compiled information gained through their experience working with d/Deaf survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence to create the Power and Control Wheel, which demonstrates some examples of power and control that some survivors experience.

Forms of Power and Control:

From DeafHope’s website


  • Uses ASL to make you afraid with gestures, facial expressions, or exaggerated signs, then uses Deaf culture to justify the behavior

  • Overuses floor stomping and pounding on the table or door

  • Signs very close to your face when angry

  • Gets angry because you look away while they are talking

Emotional Abuse:

  • Criticizes your speech, ASL or English skills

  • Calls you “hearing-mind” because you aren’t fluent enough in ASL or don’t socialize or identify with the Deaf community

  • Makes fun of your ASL style

  • Puts down your education background, public school or residential school

  • Tells you that you are too sensitive “like hearing people”


  • Checks your pager, instant messenger, videophone, e-mail and/or TTY conversations

  • Moves away from the Deaf community and/or your family to isolate you

  • Tells you no one will believe you, because they are too well-known in the Deaf community

  • Takes advantage of the lack of accessible services for Deaf survivors

Minimizing, Denying & Blaming:

  • Denies abuse by saying it accepted in Deaf culture

  • Angrily throws things at you as a way to get attention

  • Tells people private things (example: “My spose is lousy in bed.”), and says it is okay to share private information because it is part of Deaf Culture

Using Children:

  • Your partner is hearing and doesn’t allow your children to use ASL to talk with you

  • Doesn’t allow your children to be proud of Deaf culture

  • Criticizes you as a Deaf parent, says bad things about you to your children

  • Tells you and the children that you cannot go to a shelter because everyone is hearing

Hearing Privilege:

  • Excludes you from important conversations (talking to the bank without you knowing)

  • Leaves you out in social situations (such as a party or dinner) with hearing people

  • Talks negatively about the Deaf community

  • If you call the police, they interpret to manipulate the situation to their benefit

Economic Abuse:

  • Takes away your SSI checks or makes you lose it by reporting additional income

  • Ruins your chances for a job by spreading rumors about you in the small Deaf community

  • Demands you ask for permission before spending money

Coercion and Threats:

  • Destroys your reputation by spreading false rumors

  • Uses their power in the Deaf community to pressure you to stay

  • Uses the Deaf school as the reason to stay together to support your Deaf children

  • Uses their position as a leader in the Deaf community to discredit your story

Thanks to DeafHope. Visit DeafHope's website for more information.


